Therapeutic Bodywork, Mindful Deep Tissue, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and Oncology Massage
Cultivate Wellness
Therapeutic Massage & Movement
Meeting people where they are with integrity, compassion, and dignity in all seasons of life.
Therapeutic Massage
Cultivate Wellness specializes in therapeutic treatment massage, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and Oncology Massage with a focus on providing unparalleled client experience and compassionate care. All sessions are designed specifically for clients individual needs and are not part and parceled. Because my goal is to treat clients, a given session often includes a variety of methods tailored to your specific needs. My massage clinic is equipped to work with meeting clients needs using a holistic and integrative approach addressing acute and chronic pain, disordered movement patterns, nervous system issues, stress, illness, and the lymphatic system.
Movement as Medicine
Cultivate Wellness’ customized movement offerings are designed for all types of people; athletes recovering from injury, folks trying to move through chronic pain or trying to get back in touch with their mobility. If you’re a beginner mover or advanced mover, there’s something for you. That’s why Cultivate Wellness is here to help you get grooving with both group and personalized movement offerings that not only enhance bodywork sessions but gives you tangible inroads to your desires for being more mobile, happy, and healthy.
“The first sense to ignite, touch is often the last to burn out: long after our eyes betray us, our hands remain faithful to the world.”
— Frederick Sachs
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